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18680 A0594 Winnipeg Grenadiers Collection     10th Canadian Machine Gun Battalion Final Mess Dinner Inside Royal Alexandra Hotel, Winnipeg.  CostumesDiningHotelsMilitaryWinnipeg BuildingsWomen 1936, November 21
18679 A0594 Winnipeg Grenadiers Collection     10th Canadian Machine Gun Battalion In Dress Uniform At The Final Mess Dinner Inside Royal Alexandra Hotel, Winnipeg. Back Row: 2/Lt. W.L. Tarbuth; Captain A.R. Gorden, Ramc - England; Captain E. Hodkinson, Wg. - Hong Kong; Lt. A.E. Corby; Captain C.M. Graban, Casc - England; Captain H.D. Barbour, Res. 106; Lt. F.V. Dennis, W.G. - Hong Kong; Captain J.N.B. Crawford, Ramc - England; Captain R.T. Lowe, Retd.; Major H. Quinn, Vg Of C; Captain J.A. Scott, Wg. Res; Major H. Lewis, Retd; Captain C.H. Cowperthwaite, Retd; Lt. J.E. Blackford, Wg - Jamaica; Lt. L.T. Tarbuth, W.G. - Hong Kong; Captain H.A. Clarke, W.G. Jamaica; H.S. Hansell, Derct, 10 Mrw-Dist. 2nd Row: Major R.C. Scanes, Retd; Major G.E. Bain, 38 Res. Bde; Major C.H.A. Walton, England, Ramc; Major Rev. W. Askey, Wg - Jamaica; Col. J.Y. Reid, Retd; Col. R. Burritt, Dso, Retd; Brig. J.L. Gordon, Dfc, Deceased; Lt. Col. O.M.M. Kay, China; Lt. Col. R.J. Leach, Mc. Retd; Lt. Col. H.N. Streight, Ottawa, Jag; Major J.L.R. Sutcliffe, W.G. - Hong Kong, Deceased. 1st Row: 2/Lt. G. Mackay, Retd; Lt. E. Judd, Retd; 2/Lt. T.E.D. Boys, Reserve; Lt. J.H.K. Broughton, Retd; Lt. F.T. Cook, Retd  DiningHotelsMilitaryUniformsWinnipeg Buildings 1936, November 21